domenica 6 novembre 2011


Una darknet (in italiano letteralmente: Rete scura) è
una rete virtuale privata dove gli utenti connettono solamente persone
di cui si fidano. Nel suo significato più generale, una darknet può
essere qualsiasi tipo di gruppo chiuso e privato di persone che
comunicano, ma il nome è più spesso usato nello specifico per reti di
condivisione di file (p2p).

Il termine fu originariamente coniato negli anni settanta per designare reti che erano isolate da ARPANET (la vecchia internet) per motivi di sicurezza.

Anche se la funzionalità più popolare di Tor è quella di fornire
anonimato ai client, può anche fornire anonimato ai server. Usando la
rete Tor, è possibile ospitare dei server in modo che la loro
localizzazione nella rete sia sconosciuta. Un servizio nascosto può
essere ospitato da qualsiasi nodo della rete Tor, non importa che esso
sia un relay o solo un client, per accedere ad un servizio nascosto,
però, è necessario l'uso di Tor da parte del client. In altre parole, è
possibile offrire un servizio (ad esempio un sito web) in modo
totalmente anonimo, come hidden service Tor.

Agli hidden services si accede attraverso uno pseudo-dominio di primo livello .onion.
La rete Tor capisce la richiesta e apre una connessione con il server
desiderato. In genere si preferisce configurare un servizio nascosto in
modo che sia accessibile esclusivamente da un'interfaccia di rete
non-pubblica. I servizi a cui si accede sia attraverso Tor che la rete
pubblica sono suscettibili ad attacchi a correlazione.

Questa che vi mostriamo è una lista aggiornata (01/11/2011) della rete darknet .onion (scarica qui Tor)

ATTENZIONE : Quasi il 70% di questi siti .onion violano la legge (droga, armi, informazioni top secret ecc..) 


News / History

Entries over 30 days old are moved to the Site News Archive.


  • ion@torpm - SiteOp - not checked very often
  • OnionNet #hiddenwiki - IRC
  • Talk:Main Page - Community notepad for discussion, questions, complaints and suggestions.

  • Special:RecentChanges - Discussion, questions, complaints and suggestions

Editor's picks

Bored? Pick a random page from the article index and replace one of the five slots with it.

  1. Eradic - Quality Deepnet Supplier of Weed, LSD, and Ecstasy (BTC/Dwolla/LR) (Host: FH)
  2. Verifying PGP signatures - A quick how-to to get started.
  3. List of Anonymous Networks - Try these out and learn from them.

  4. Email - Share and find providers in the Compendium of Clearnet Email Providers.
  5. Needed Hidden Services - Ideas for hidden services.
  6. Improving Bitcoin - Speculation on improving Bitcoin's stability issues.

Browsing / Mirroring

These links may be used to browse or mirror all the pages in this wiki:

Volunteer TODO

Bored? Here are five random things to help out with.

  1. Plunder other hidden service lists for links and place them here.
  2. File the SnapBBSIndex links wherever they go.

  3. Set external links to HTTPS where available, good certificate, and same content.
  4. Care to start recording onionland's history? Check out Onionland's Museum.
  5. Check the list of dead hidden services for services that have returned.

 Hidden services - HTTP/HTTPS

Volunteers last verified all services in this section as up, or marked as DOWN, on: 2011-06-12

[edit] Introduction Points

OnionLand link indexes and search engines.


See also: Marketplace Reviews - Reviews of the marketplace experience. (ALL reviews go in this article, NOT in the listings below.)

Financial Services

Currencies, banks, money markets, clearing houses, exchangers.

Hosting - Web / File / Image

  • Accounts - MegaUpload premium accounts for Bitcoins, 100% automated checkout. Account in minutes!
  • Mystery File a Day - Want to see something cool?

  • Blolylo - Simple file uploads. Won't accept plain text files. 2 MiB upload limit. (Host: FH) (Blank page) - Broken 2011-06-09
  • CircleServices - Mixie's place. Provides: Circle-Talk, TorPM, ImgZapr, SnapBBS, qPasteBin, AnonyShares, Circle-IRC. (Provider: CS)
  • Anonyshares - File upload up to 10MB. (Provider: CS)
  • ImgZapr - Image hosting. (Provider: CS)
  • qPasteBin - A pastebin. (Provider: CS)

  • 5am - File dump and Image Board. 5MB Limit. - DOWN 10/30/11
  • Potaoto - Image hosting. Generates large thumbnails.
  • Onion Fileshare - 2GB Upload file size limit. Upload any files you want.
  • ES Simple Uploader - Upload images, docs and other files. 2 MiB upload limit. (Host: FH)

  • IMGuru (More info) - Fast GIF/JPEG host. No images removed. If you get the error Invalid File, retry the upload. (Host: FH)
  • TorIB - Create and run your own imageboard. (Host: FH) (Neglected status note) - Broken 2010-06-16

  • SquareBoard - Upload and share high quality images. (Moderated)
  • sTORage - Upload files. Has WebDAV support.
  • Onion Image Uploader - Image Hosting. 2 MiB upload limit. Generates medium thumbnails. (Host: FH)

  • Freedom Hosting (More info) - Hosting Service with PHP/MySQL. As of 2011-06-04, it hosts about 50% of the live OnionWeb by onion.
  • PasteOnion - Paste and share text, sources, whatever. You can make your paste public or set a password. (Host: FH)
  • QicPic - Upload any type of file. Caches and compresses uploaded files to decrease loading time. (Host: FH)


Email / Messaging

See also: The compendium of clearnet Email providers.

Political Advocacy


  • THW Permanent - Deployed when THW Promoted died 2011-07-xx. - DOWN 2011-09-15
  • THW Resurrected
    - Deployed when THW Promoted died 2011-06-2x using THW Promoted full
    dump 2011-06-10. Mooted, locked. Running MW 1.16. Redirs to: THW Promoted. Redir - 2011-08-08
  • THW Promoted - The current incarnation of the 'The Hidden Wiki' concept. Running MW 1.17.
  • THW (bong dump) - THW Promoted full dump 2011-06-10. (Host: FH) (403) - Broken 2011-08-08
  • THW HackBloc - Deployed 2010-09, possibly during THW Promoted downtime. Unmaintained. Running MW 1.15. (Host: FH)

  • THW (nihw dump) - HTML of THW Promoted main page of 2011-06-27. THW Promoted full dump 2011-07-05. (Host: FH) (403) - Broken 2011-08-08
  • THW (TriPh0rce) - The TriPh0rce Mirror of THW. CP/Beastia/Vore censored. Locked in case of vandalism. Running MW 1.7



See also: WikiLeaks Official Site and Official Submission Onion (temporarily closed).

Operation AntiSec



Hack, Phreak, Anarchy (internet), Warez, Virus, Crack.

Phishing Sites

These sites are phishing for logins.

Audio - Music / Streams

  • TorMusic - Very large collection of downloadable songs in mp3 format exploited from Grooveshark - DOWN 2011-05-31
  • Lossless Audio Files - Mostly WavPack, some FLAC, Ape, ogg, etc. Has index generating links. - DOWN 2011-08-14

Video - Movies / TV


See also: Category:Novel - List of books on this wiki.


Noncommercial (D)

These sites have only drug-related information/talk. No sales or venues.

Commercial (D)

These sites have drugs for sale, or are sales venues. They may also have information/talk.

See also: Marketplace Reviews - Reviews of the marketplace experience. (ALL reviews go in this article, NOT in the listings below.)


Above Age

Commercial (E)

See also: Marketplace Reviews - Reviews of the marketplace experience. (ALL reviews go in this article, NOT in the listings below.)

Under Age


Services that defy categorization, or that have not yet been sorted.


Czech / Čeština

Danish / Dansk

  • DanishChan Et forum for danskere - uden censur. (A forum for people from Denmark - without censorship)
  • - Danish Drug Trade. (Host: CS)

  • IT-Politisk Forening - Privacy, openness, internet freedom. - DOWN 2011-09-09

Dutch / Nederlands

Finnish / Suomi

French / Français

German / Deutsch

Hebrew / עברית

  • Samim.onion - Selling and shipping of drugs and medicine in Israel (Bitcoin). (Host: FH)

Italian / Italiano

Japanese / 日本語

Polish / Polski

  • Torowisko
    - Forum Polskiej Społeczności Tor. Nowe ogólnotematyczne forum bez
    rejestracji i cenzury. Godny Następca Onionforum, już z ponad 8000
    postami (codziennie przybywają nowe!). (Host: FH)

  • DaemonCATalog - Book-i, w większości po polsku, także po angielsku a nawet kilka po łacinie. Zawiera także dział z komiksami.
  • Fundacja Panoptykon, clearnet
    - Strona fundacji przeciwstawiającej się coraz powszechniejszej
    inwigilacji oraz tendencjom nasilania nadzoru i kontroli nad
  • George Orwell "Rok 1984" - polskie tłumaczenie znanej powieści

  • Polska Ukryta Wiki - PUW, wiki polskiej społeczności Tor. (Host: FH)
  • FAQ – Freely Answered Questions - Portal typu Q&A, gdzie możesz zadawać pytania związane z undergroundem (czyt. pytania niewygodne). (Host: FH)

Strony porzucone, nieaktywne lub śmieciowe:

Portuguese / Português

Russian / Русский

Slovak / Slovenský

Spanish / Español

Swedish / Svenska

Hidden Services - Other Protocols

Volunteers last verified that all services in this section were up, or marked as DOWN, on: 2011-06-08

For configuration and service/uptime testing, all services in this
section MUST list the active port in their address. Exception: HTTP on
80, HTTPS on 443.

For help with configuration, see the TorifyHOWTO and End-to-end connectivity issues.

P2P FileSharing

Running P2P protocols within Tor requires OnionCat. Therefore, see the OnionCat section for those P2P services.

IMPORTANT: It is possible to use Tor for P2P. However, the right thing must also be done by giving back the bandwidth used. Otherwise, if this is not done, Tor will be crushed taking everyone along with it.

  • GNUnet files sharing - GNUnet URI index site with forum. (Host: FH)
  • AshANitY - Anonymous sharing of Humanity, torrents. (Host: FH)

  • P2P filesharing - P2P filesharing forum, OnionCat Bittorrent tracker. - UP 2011-08-31
  • Sea Kitten Palace - Torrent site and tracker for extreme content (real gore, animal torture, shockumentaries/mondo cinema, and Disney movies)

Chat centric services

Some people and their usual server hangouts may be found in the Contact Directory.


See also: IRC Anonymity Guide
running on: (various), ports:: plaintext: 6667 ssl: 6697
running on: unknown, ports:: plaintext: 6668, ssl: none
running on: (various), ports:: plaintext: 6667 ssl: 6697/7070
running on:, ports:: plaintext: none ssl: 6697
running on: unknown, ports:: plaintext: none ssl: 9999
  • hackint - hackint is a communication network for the hacker community.
running on:, ports:: plaintext: none ssl: 6697


XMPP (formerly Jabber)

  • xmpp:ch4an3siqc436soc.onion:5222 - public server. No SSL. Chatrooms. No S2S. - DOWN 2011-08-01
  • xmpp:okj7xc6j2szr2y75.onion:5222 - as a hidden service

 TorChat Addresses

Humans are listed in the above contact directory. Bots are listed below.

  • 7oj5u53estwg2pvu.onion:11009 - TorChat InfoServ #2nd, by ACS.
  • gfxvz7ff3bzrtmu4.onion:11009 - TorChat InfoServ #1st, by ACS.

 OnionCat Addresses

List of only the Tor-backed fd87:d87e:eb43::/48 address space, sorted by onion. There are instructions for using OnionCat, Gnutella, BitTorrent Client, and BitTorrent Tracker.

  • 62bwjldt7fq2zgqa.onion:8060
    • fd87:d87e:eb43:f683:64ac:73f9:61ac:9a00 - ICMPv6 Echo Reply
  • a5ccbdkubbr2jlcp.onion:8060 - mail.onion.aio
    • fd87:d87e:eb43:0744:208d:5408:63a4:ac4f - ICMPv6 Echo Reply

  • ce2irrcozpei33e6.onion:8060 - bank-killah
    • fd87:d87e:eb43:1134:88c4:4ecb:c88d:ec9e - ICMPv6 Echo Reply
    • [fd87:d87e:eb43:1134:88c4:4ecb:c88d:ec9e]:8333 - Bitcoin Seed Node

  • taswebqlseworuhc.onion:8060 - TasWeb - DOWN 2011-09-08
    • fd87:d87e:eb43:9825:6206:0b91:2ce8:d0e2 - ICMPv6 Echo Reply
    • http://[fd87:d87e:eb43:9825:6206:0b91:2ce8:d0e2]/
    • gopher://[fd87:d87e:eb43:9825:6206:0b91:2ce8:d0e2]:70/

  • vso3r6cmjoomhhgg.onion:8060 - echelon
    • fd87:d87e:eb43:ac9d:b8f8:4c4b:9cc3:9cc6 - ICMPv6 Echo Reply
    • http://[fd87:d87e:eb43:ac9d:b8f8:4c4b:9cc3:9cc6]/
  • zwqzldjsuo2wbcrk.onion:8060 - P2P filesharing forum

    • fd87:d87e:eb43:cda1:958d:32a3:b560:8a2a - ICMPv6 Echo Reply
    • http://[fd87:d87e:eb43:cda1:958d:32a3:b560:8a2a]:6969/announce - Opentracker Bittorrent tracker announce url
    • http://[fd87:d87e:eb43:cda1:958d:32a3:b560:8a2a]:6969/stats - Opentracker Bittorrent tracker stats
    • http://[fd87:d87e:eb43:cda1:958d:32a3:b560:8a2a]:9999 - Gnutella ultrapeer

 Bitcoin Seeding


  • bitcoinbudtoeks7.onion:8333 - DOWN 2011-08-20
  • nlnsivjku4x4lu5n.onion:8333 - DOWN 2011-08-20

  • xqzfakpeuvrobvpj.onion:8333


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